

F. D. Broccard, S. Joshi, J. Wang, G. Cauwenberghs (2017). “Neuromorphic neural interfaces: from neurophysiological inspiration to biohybrid coupling with nervous systems”, Journal of neural engineering 14 (4), 041002, June 2017

E. Neftci, C. Augustine, S. Paul, G. Detorakis, “Event-Driven Random Back-Propagation: Enabling Neuromorphic Deep Learning Machines,” Frontiers in Neuroscience, June 2017

N. Gala, S.Krithivasan, W. Tsai, X. Li, Kamakoti, and V. Narayanan “An Accuracy Tunable Non-Boolean Co-processor using Coupled Nano-oscillators,” ACM JETC, April 2017

A. Parihar, N. Shukla, M. Jerry, S Datta and A. Raychowdhury,"Vertex coloring of graphs via phase dynamics of coupled oscillatory networks," published online, Scientific Reports, April 2017

A. Parihar, N. Shukla, M. Jerry, S Datta and A. Raychowdhury, “Computing with Dynamical Systems Based on Insulator-Metal-Transition Oscillators”, to appear, J. Nanophotonics 2017.

S. B.Eryilmaz, E. Neftci, S. Joshi, S. Kim, M. BrightSky, H.L. Lung, C. Lam, G. Cauwenberghs, H.S.P. Wong, “Training a Probabilistic Graphical Model With Resistive Switching Electronic Synapses,”  IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2017.



M. Jerry, A. Parihar, A. Raychowdhury and S, Datta "A Random Number based on Insulator-to-Metal Electronic Phase Transitions," Device Reseach Conference, Notre Dame, IN, June 2017

S. Hamdioui, S. Kvatinsky, G. Cauwenberghs, L. Xie, N. Wald, S. Joshi, H. Mostafa Elsayed, H. Corporaal, K. Bertels (2017). “Memristor for computing: Myth or Reality?”, 2017 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 722-731

X. Chen, J. Chen, D.Z. Chen, and X.S. Hu, “Optimizing Memory Efficiency for Convolution Kernels on Kepler GPUs,” the Proc. of the 54th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2017, pp. 68:1-68:6. 

X. Yin, B. Sedigi, M. Varga, M. Ercsey-Ravasz, Z. Toroczkai, and X. Sharon Hu, “Efficient Analog Circuits for Boolean Satisfiability,” TVLSI, July 2017

X. Chen, J. Chen, D. Z. Chen, X. Sharon Hu, “Optimizing Memory Efficiency for Convolution Kernels on Kepler GPUs,” Design, Automation Conference, June 2017 

S. Joshi, C. Kim, S. Ha, G. Cauwenberghs (2017a). “From algorithms to devices: Enabling machine learning through ultra-low-power VLSI mixed-signal array processing”, Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), 2017 IEEE, 1-9

J. Lin, A. Annadi, S. Sonde, C. Chen, L. Stan, K.V.L.V. Narayanachari, S. Ramanathan, and S. Guha, “Low Voltage Artificial Neuron using Feedback Engineered Insulator-to-Metal-Transition Devices,” IEEE Int’l Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) Tech. Dig., pp.862-865, San Francisco, USA, December 3-7, 2016.

M. Jerry, A. Parihar, B. Grisafe, A. Raychowdhury and S, Datta “Ultra-Low Power Probabilistic IMT Neurons for Stochastic Sampling,” VLSI Symposium

A. Parihar, N. Shukla, M. Jerry, S. Datta and A. Raychowdhury, “Computational Paradigms using Oscillatory Networks based on State-Transition Devices”, to appear, IJCNN 2017.

B.U. Pedroni, S. Sheik, S. Joshi, G. Detorakis, S. Paul, C. Augustine, E. Neftci, G. Cauwenberghs, “Forward table-based presynaptic event-triggered spike-timing-dependent plasticity,” Proc. IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS), Shanghai, China, Oct. 17-19, 2016.

E. Neftci, C. Augustine (Intel), S. Paul (Intel), G. Detorakis “Event-driven Random Backpropagation: Enabling Neuromorphic Deep Learning Machines,”  ISCAS 2017